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19 April 2011 UC In The News
Of more than 106,000 applications from freshman hopefuls, UC has offered admissions to 72,432 applicants, once again meeting its commitment to offer admission to every eligible resident freshman applicant.
19 April 2011 OP Headlines
John Fox, executive director of UCOP Local Human Resources, will hold a brown bag lunch Tuesday, April 26, 12 to 1 p.m. in 5320 Franklin to answer your HR service questions.
12 April 2011 UC In The News
Two hundred advocates of higher education in California, including UC President Mark Yudof, turned out for Higher Education Advocacy Day in Sacramento April 5.
The University of California has been awarded a $748,000 grant by the Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) program for a unique online instruction pilot project.
12 April 2011 OP Headlines
Program participants got to know one another at a mixer, the first step in pairing mentors and mentees for a yearlong relationship to promote connectivity and professional development at UCOP.
Tuesday, April 12, at 5 p.m. is the deadline for applications to the Leadership Development Program, OP's new program designed to develop individual leadership ability from within and cultivate a diverse pool of future leaders.
5 April 2011 OP Headlines
The April 12 brown bag on UCOP’s 2011–12 budget with EVP Nathan Brostrom, scheduled for 1 to 2 p.m. in the Franklin Lobby conference room, will be broadcast live via Ustream TV.
HR Business Partners (from left) Venus Kirk, Rene Jackson, Isabel Chen and Annette Mora are your first contacts for all UCOP human resources services.
5 April 2011 In Profile
UCOP EHS Director Erike Young (left) received a safety award from American Society of Safety Engineers Region 1 Vice President Martin Jeppeson in front of Sacramento’s Safety Center.
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