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27 November 2012 OP Headlines
Beginning Monday, Dec. 3, the Building and Administrative Service Center will conduct an online survey and walkthroughs of UCOP buildings, part of the study on how effectively our workspace is being used.
Learn the story behind UC's new visual identity and how to get help with your communications needs at these information sessions, hosted by UCOP Communications on Nov. 29 and Dec. 3.
Communications Traffic Coordinator Tracy FitzGerald (shown at last year's fair with husband Doug MacNeil) is registered for the Dec. 7 event to sell notebooks crafted from recycled library books.
27 November 2012 UC In The News
Hear what Director of Graduate Studies Pamela Jennings has to say about the UC-HBCU Initiative, a novel program designed to bring students from historically black colleges and universities to UC campuses.
If you're interested in Take Charge, UCOP's new professional development program designed specifically for administrative and support staff, apply by this Friday, Nov. 30.
27 November 2012 Open Forum
Interested in finding out more about UCPath and the new jobs at the UCPath Center? Mark your calendars now for a brown bag on Friday, Dec. 7, 12 to 1:15 p.m. in Franklin Lobby 1 Conference Room.
27 November 2012 Did You Know?
UC employees will have a little slimmer paycheck come January 2013 as the two-year Temporary Payroll Tax Cut comes to an end.
Do you like rummaging through bookstores and thumbing through books? If so, donate some time at the library workday, Nov. 30, from 12 to 5 p.m. in 11326 Franklin.
Save some time on Dec. 14 for UCOP's progressive and simultaneous Holiday Party, offering great food, decorations and musical entertainment throughout the day.
The 2013 Compliance and Audit Symposium, scheduled for Jan. 28 to 31 in San Francisco and Feb. 11 to 14 in Costa Mesa, is now open for registration.
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