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21 October 2013 UC In The News
Longtime UCOP administrator Dorothy Everett is being honored by the creation of an endowed chair in her name, believed to be the first in UC history named for a staff employee.
21 October 2013 OP Headlines
If you're considering long-term care insurance for yourself or your parents, come hear certified long-term care insurance agent Pat Giacalone discuss the available options.
21 October 2013 Did You Know?
Occupants of UCOP’s 20th St. building (415 20th St.) are invited to this week's quarterly Friday breakfast, Oct. 25, 9 to 10 a.m. in the fourth floor lobby area.
UCOP HR in October is offering several classes to help you build your skills, including Leading Change and Working with Difficult People. Enroll through the UC Learning Center.
A big thank you to everyone who donated to UCOP’s Franklin food drive, which collected 300 pounds of food during July and August for the Alameda County Community Food Bank.
UC’s financial education program, through Fidelity Retirement Services, offers financial planning classes, with sessions this Thursday at Franklin and Kaiser locations.
15 October 2013 OP Headlines
President Napolitano is implementing the effort to increase transparency, streamline processes and improve services at OP and on the campuses.
14 October 2013 OP Headlines
The Great ShakeOut returns this Thursday, Oct. 17, at 10:17 a.m., when all UCOP employees will be asked to drop, cover and hold on. And don't forget to sign up for UCOPAlert, OP's new off-hours emergency notification system.
Join award-winning novelist and memoirist Reyna Grande, 12 noon today, sponsored by Education Partnerships to celebrate National Book Month and the importance of books to UC's educational mission.
14 October 2013 UC In The News
UC wants you: That is the message thousands of high school students will hear as senior leaders from all 10 campuses prepare to visit schools in low-income communities around the state.
14 October 2013 Did You Know?
Giving blood is easy when the bloodmobile returns tomorrow, Wednesday, Oct. 16. Times are still available throughout the day; contact Jan Kehoe for your appointment.
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