Performance self-evaluations due July 10
If you’ve been putting off your performance reviews, now would be a good time to get started! There are just a few days left before the deadline for employee self-appraisals.
The best place to start is the UCOP performance management website, where you will find links to the evaluation forms, frequently asked questions, quick facts and relevant policies.
“Performance appraisals are an essential part of the work experience,” said John Fox, executive director of UCOP local HR. “They give us an opportunity to step back and think deeply about what we can do to make our own jobs more rewarding and make UCOP a more fulfilling place to work.”
Self-evaluations, which are the first step in the appraisal process, are due July 10, although many departments have set earlier dates; if that is the case, please adhere to your departmental deadline.
For more details about the 2014–15 performance review cycle, see the performance management website or contact your HR business partner.