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10-second bio: Monica Johnson, from the Peace Corps to UCPath

Monica Johnson brings her world view, honed through travel and a Peace Corps stint, to her work with UCPath.

Fig. 1: The Dr. Seuss stories you’ve never heard

UC San Diego's Special Collections holds over 8500 works done by Dr. Seuss. Lynda Claassen walks us through some of the interesting unpublished works of this collection.

Comments invited on revision to UC compensation policy

UC is proposing revisions to Staff Policy 30, Compensation, which applies to staff in the professional and support staff and manager and senior professionals groups.

Staff Advisor reflects on two years as an advocate for staff issues

Staff Advisor to the Regents Donna Coyne reflects on her term and offers advice on applying for the post. The deadline for applications for the 2015-17 term is March 6.

American Red Cross blood drive returns this Thursday

You can donate blood right here at the office when the Bloodmobile comes to UCOP.

UCOP Mardi Gras mixer

Meet colleagues, learn about OP initiatives such as the Efficiency Review and Climate and Engagement Council, and engage with OP affinity groups, all while enjoying free food and beverages, courtesy of the UCOP Staff Assembly.

UC educational expenses lower today than 20 years ago, report finds

The cost to provide a University of California education is lower today than it was two decades ago, a result of educational efficiencies made by UC in response to reduced state funding.

Efficiency Review graphic

Update on staff suggestions, new improvements

This month’s update on the UCOP Efficiency Review lets Office of the President staff know how they can see what has happened to the hundreds of ideas that have been submitted thus far, reports

Solar panels at UC Merced

UC announces progress on sustainable investment strategy

The university has taken significant steps to combat global climate change by investing in sustainability. The measures are part of UC’s efforts to fully implement an environmental, social and governance investment strategy.