Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Learn tips and techniques to keep yourself safe in and outside the workplace

One of the most effective ways to keep yourself safe, no matter where you are, is to learn basic safety awareness techniques and how to respond to stressful events that can compromise your safety. UCOP Safety has partnered with UCOP Learning and Development to present two courses to help you build the knowledge and skills you need to keep yourself safe — at home, in the workplace and out in society.

Select each course name to register; courses reflect Pacific Time.

UCOP Safety: Basic Awareness
Feb. 13, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Melissa Collins, program manager for security, risk and resilience, will share basic safety tips to help you feel informed, alert and safe as you travel to and from work.

UCOP Safety: Active Attacker Training
Feb. 19, 1 – 2 p.m.
Melissa Collins will teach skills and strategies for responding to an active-attacker situation. During this workshop, we’ll review real-life incidents and discuss options for responding to a similar encounter.

For questions, contact

You can also find more information about active shooter preparedness here.

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