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UC launches a comprehensive AI website

The UC Artificial Intelligence Council is excited to announce the official launch of the UC AI website, a central hub designed to support and enhance our collective efforts in artificial intelligence.

This website is a key resource for anyone interested in AI, whether exploring AI concepts, leading initiatives or collaborating on AI-related projects. It features up-to-date news and events related to AI, useful tools and resources — including an introductory AI training course and a risk-assessment guide (PDF) — and information on the university’s AI communities, including the UC AI Council and other systemwide groups.

Moving forward, the website will continue to provide updated news, information, resources and insights to keep the UC community informed about and engaged with the latest developments in AI across the system.

We invite all colleagues to explore the site and contribute to its evolution by providing feedback, submitting AI-related news and events, sharing ideas for new tools and training and using the provided resources to learn how you can get involved. Your input will help shape the website into a valuable asset for the entire UC community.

For questions, contact

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