Discounted parking available at Oakland airport for business and personal trips
Flying out of Oakland airport for either business or personal travel? Take advantage of the Oakland Airport Parking Corporate Savings Program, which is provided to all UCOP staff at no cost to UC.
This discount can be used for either business or personal travel, and provides a significant discount for the on-airport parking lots:
- $10 per day discount in Premier, Hourly or Daily lots
- $4 per day discount in Economy lot
Important notes:
- Use of Premier parking for business travel requires a clear and valid business justification. Cost savings is not a justification.
- Parking cards are for use by UCOP staff only and may not be transferred to family or friends.
- Discount requires a minimum stay of one day (daily maximum rate) and a maximum of nine days.
- Discount is not valid for off-airport parking lots.
How it works:
- Contact BRC staff or to obtain a corporate parking card, which has eight stickers on it.
- Take a parking ticket from the dispenser as you enter the airport lot.
- Present the ticket and one sticker from the corporate parking card to the cashier when exiting. (Only one sticker is required per stay, regardless of number of days you’ve been parked.)
- When you use up all eight stickers, contact BRC for another card.