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Summertime food and heat safety tips

When you think of summertime fun, safety might not be top of mind. But, take a moment to review some helpful safety tips provided by UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR).

Food safety: The three C’s

  • Clean: Clean kitchen surfaces, utensils and hands with soap and water while preparing food. Wash fresh fruits and vegetables thoroughly under running water.
  • Separate: Separate raw meats from other foods by using different cutting boards. Be sure to keep raw meat, poultry, seafood and eggs away from other items in your refrigerator.
  • Cook: Cook foods to the right temperature; be sure to check the internal temperature by using a food thermometer.
  • Chill: Chill raw and prepared foods promptly.

Planning to take your meal on the road?

  • Invest in a quality cooler.
  • In temperatures above 90° F, discard food left outside for more than one hour.
  • In warm temperatures below 90° F, food should be discarded if left out for longer than two hours.

Staying cool is key

When you plan outdoor activities on hot days, make sure to plan ahead to avoid heat illness.

Read the full story from ANR!

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