Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

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Gwen Allamby to retire after more than 30 years of service

Please join Health Sciences in expressing congratulations and best wishes to Gwen M. Allamby, who will be retiring on April 16, 2010 from the Division of Health Sciences and Services after a combined State and University of California service of more than 30 years.

Volunteers needed Friday! Help plant a schoolyard garden

UCOP Cares needs a few more volunteers Friday, April 16 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., to help plant a vegetable garden at Frick Middle School in Oakland. Contact Chen Yin Noah

UCOP offices closed April 16

Don't forget that UCOP offices will be closed for a furlough day Friday, April 16. Employees who have already used all their furlough time, and those employees who are exempt from the program, should make arrangements with their managers or supervisors to use vacation time, leave without pay, or comp time, during the closure.

Facts about restarting contributions to the UC Retirement Plan

After a holiday of nearly 20 years, UC and employee members of the UC Retirement Plan (UCRP) will begin contributing to the plan in mid-April in order to sustain and preserve faculty and staff pension benefits. Get the facts here.

UCOP Brown Bag: Attendance Management

Join this informal, lunch-time session on April 29 to learn successful approaches to attendance management and to hear up-to-date information from Michael Lum of Labor/Employee Relations.

April 15 deadline for 2009 FSA claims and StayWell health assessment

All 2009 FSA claims must be submitted to Conexis by April 15. Mailed claims must be postmarked by the deadline to be processed. This is earlier than in previous years. April 15 is also the deadline for completing a StayWell Health Assessment and receiving a gift card. Get the details about both programs here.