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Cover of Lean In, book by Sheryl Sandberg

Are You My Mentor? Next Lean In conversation April 3

The Lean In series of facilitated conversations about women’s empowerment in the workplace continues April 3, 12 to 1 p.m. in the Laurel Room, 1111 Broadway, 7th floor.

Comments invited on personnel policy 62, Corrective Action, by May 8

UC has revised Personnel Policy for Staff Members (PPSM) 62 on Corrective Action. Please send your comments to ELR Manager Michael Lum by May 8.

UCOP CFO Peter Taylor

Chief Financial Officer Peter Taylor to leave UCOP, President Napolitano announces

CFO Peter Taylor will leave UCOP, effective April 25, to take a position as president of a new foundation focused on improving educational outcomes, particularly among the underserved.

New pre-approval process for hiring outside consultants begins March 25

UCOP is implementing a new pre-approval process that takes effect today, March 25, 2014, designed to optimize internal resources before spending money on outside contractors.

UC campus climate study findings released at Board of Regents meeting

UC President Janet Napolitano shared with the UCOP community a letter on the results of UC’s recent campus climate study, which were released at last week's Regents meeting.

Efficiency Review focus group on sustainability at UCOP, March 26

The ER Working Group will hold a focus group on Sustainability @UCOP on March 26, where sustainability experts and non-experts will strategize ways to green UCOP.

UC Berkeley professor Silva Bunge

Changing Minds, Changing Brains: Berkeley psychology professor to visit UCOP

UC Berkeley's Silvia Bunge will address the topic of Changing Minds, Changing Brains on March 31, and ORGS VP Steven Beckwith will moderate the discussion.

UC person with a laptop

March 30: Registration deadline for discounted UC Online Education classes

Eight UC Online classes are still open for registration, and you and your family members get a 33 percent discount on tuition. Classes begin on March 31.

Marc Rizzo

10-second bio: Meet Marc Rizzo, who’ll take cats over gambling any day

Marc Rizzo loves his job as house manager for the President's residence, but he wouldn't mind being a professional golf caddie.