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President Napolitano forms task force to help fight sexual assault on campuses

The systemwide task force will oversee the university's wide-ranging efforts aimed at preventing sexual violence on campuses and at all UC locations.

Voluntary Reduction in Time program reinstated to reduce costs

As of July 1, UC is renewing the Employee-initiated Reduction In Time program, which allows eligible staff to reduce their working hours and pay.

workfit class

Get more exercise: Register now for UC Living Well’s Move More challenge

Join UC's Move More challenge to get fit with your colleagues across the system. Exercise 30 minutes a day three times a week and track your progress online from June 23 to Aug. 3, 2014. You'll also earn wellness points.

UC Merced Library

President Napolitano lays out vision for climate advisory council

The advisory group will guide sustainability efforts with the goal of helping the University of California become the first research university to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025.

2014 Commencement

Thousands of new UC graduates enter the world

Every one of the University of California's 10 campuses are holding commencement ceremonies this spring, in all awarding 62,000 degrees, each of which represents a unique story of triumph.

President Napolitano appoints UC systemwide global climate council

UC President Janet Napolitano convened an advisory group to guide UC sustainability efforts, with the goal of bringing the university’s operations to carbon neutrality by 2025.

UC Merced's De Acker

UC Merced’s De Acker named Staff Advisor–designate to the UC Regents

The 25-year staffer, who is currently UC Merced's ombuds, will join Donna Coyne of UC Santa Barbara to serve a two-year term as staff advisor to the UC Regents.

UC takes lead in defining privacy, establishing guiding principles

UC has become the first major U.S. higher education institution to clearly define privacy and establish guiding principles and a framework to address privacy issues.