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Upcoming webinars on making travel plans through Connexxus

The Central Travel Office is offering a series of short, informative webinars on specific topics related to all things travel.

Verifying your employment on UCPath

If you need employment information for your personal records, you now have the option to download a personal employment summary report through your UCPath account. 

UC Riverside students

New UC data shine a light on alumni earnings

Within five years of graduating, a majority of UC’s low-income students earn more than their parents. “It’s one of the indicators that shows how a UC education creates economic mobility for its students,” Pamela Brown,

Video: Three tips for a more sustainable yard

Time to revamp your yard? Practice sustainable landscaping with these tips from the UC Master Gardener

Retiree Health Benefits Working Group issues report; President supportive of recommendations

The Retiree Health Benefits Working Group was charged with exploring potential strategies and developing options for UC leaders to consider to ensure the long-term viability of the retiree health benefits program.

Celebrate Cesar Chavez Day with Vicki Lynn Ruiz

Join the Latino Staff Association for a Cesar Chavez celebration featuring Vicki Lynn Ruiz, Distinguished Professor Emerita of History and Chicano/Latino Studies at UC Irvine and the first Latina recipient of the National Humanities Medal. An expert

Departing staff advisor reflects on work to “elevate the common threads” of staff voices

Jason Valdry learned early in his career with UC that he is happiest when he is giving back to the university. And serving as staff advisor to the UC Board of Regents was an

On International Women’s Day, join with UC to advance women’s health

On March 8, the University of California will mark International Women’s Day across our campuses, hospitals and labs. On a day where the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women are celebrated around