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Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Donate blood! Sign up for May 13 blood drive

Give at the office when the bloodmobile makes a stop at UCOP on Wednesday, May 13, from 8:15 a.m. to 3 p.m. Contact Jan Kehoe to make an appointment.

Make summer plans to use your vacation time!

UC policy limits vacation leave, and when you reach the limit, you lose any additional time you're earning. Why not plan a get-away now?

Annual medical plan satisfaction survey launched

HR wants to hear what you think about your university-sponsored medical plan. Results of the survey, which was sent to randomly selected faculty, staff and retirees from around the UC system, will help shape health plan offerings in the future.

UCOP to get new email system

Information Technology Services (ITS) is going to roll out a new cloud-based email system, called Office 365, over the next several months.

Ride the wave of UC news: Subscribe to Fiat Lux

Every day, the faculty and researchers of UC push the boundaries of knowledge, making new discoveries and shining a light on what’s possible. Like that surfboard above — the world’s first algae-based, sustainable surfboard, a

When the kids came: Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day

If you entered the wrong conference room in the Franklin building on April 23, you might have found yourself surrounded by tweens testing their formulas for bouncy balls. On the eighth floor, you would

UCOP honors 90 staff for impact, innovation and service milestones

UCOP recognized the winners of the 2015 Innovation and Impact Awards as well as those who have reached service milestones at the University of California.

UC Grad Slam tests scholars’ communication skills

In the first systemwide event, top grad students from each campus summarize their research in three minutes. Think of it as TED Talks on steroids.