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21 June 2011 OP Headlines
UCOP kicked off its 2011 performance review cycle with a brown bag session on June 20. The Ustream live broadcast is now archived for anyone who missed it, and other resources will be updated throughout the summer.
Four new members—Shelby Chin, Angela Cheng, Gina Mortenson and Jeanie Urban—have been elected to the OP Staff Assembly steering committee. All OP staff are invited to the group's first meeting of the term on Wednesday, July 13, 12 to 1 p.m. in 10325 Franklin.
21 June 2011 Did You Know?
Learn how to take an active role in your evaluation by taking "Employee Role in Performance Appraisal," a class that will be offered at both the Franklin and Kaiser buildings throughout the months of July and August.
UCOP is offering a new Employee-initiated Reduction in Time (ERIT) program that enables eligible career staff to reduce their working hours and pay from 5 to 50 percent from July 1, 2011, to June 30, 2012. The goal is to address UC's budget deficit and minimize possible layoffs.
14 June 2011 OP Headlines
Participants in the May 12 workshop (from left) Ellen Auriti of ORGS and Ginny Cox Delaney and Kathleen Erwin, both of RGPO, discuss best practices for their mentee relationships.
14 June 2011 UC In The News
UC Board of Regents Chairman Russell Gould calls on California lawmakers to make support for the University of California a priority.
Ravinder Singh, UCOP research analyst and CUCSA chair-elect (far left) presented UC Riverside Chancellor Timothy White (second from right) with the award.
14 June 2011 Open Forum
HR staff will host a brown bag lunch on June 20, 12 to 1 p.m., in Franklin Lobby One Conference Room to discuss the role of both supervisors and employees in giving and receiving performance reviews. The event will also be broadcast live on Ustream TV.
Be sure to vote by Friday, June 17, for your candidates of choice for the UC Retirement System Advisory Board. All active, eligible UCRP staff members may vote in the election, which will fill two vacant seats on the board.
14 June 2011 Applause
While the University of California is best known for stellar academics and innovative research, it is also becoming a leader in enterprise risk management. From Harvard University to Singapore’s largest health care organization, dozens of institutions are emulating UC's program.
7 June 2011 OP Headlines
UC's two-year effort to launch an in-house retirement administration service center is now complete with the launch of customer relations management software that improves service and cuts costs.
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