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25 October 2010 OP Headlines
Director of Undergraduate Admissions Dr. Susan Wilbur shared tips and resources for prospective students and their parents in a recent brown bag session. She says UC is looking for reasons to admit students.
The UC-administered California Breast Cancer Research Program funds innovative research. One of its ongoing projects is exploring nail salon workers' chemical exposure and possible links to health risks.
19 October 2010 OP Headlines
Attend the Open Enrollment Benefits Fair on Thursday, Nov. 4, from 10:00 a.m.-2 p.m. in the lobby of the Franklin Building to learn about your 2011 options. UC is making significant changes this year. You have choices to make and actions to take.
He already tackled malaria. Now he's making oil from trash. Find out how Jay Keasling is pioneering synthetic biology in a noontime session on Friday, Oct. 29, in Franklin 5320.
18 October 2010 OP Headlines
Protect yourself this flu season. OP is offering the combined seasonal and H1N1 vaccination ($25) and the TDaP vaccine - for tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis ($60) - on Wednesday, Oct. 20.
On Wednesday, Oct. 21, UCOP will join more than 6.6 million Californians in the largest earthquake drill ever – “The Great California ShakeOut.” At 10:21 a.m., listen for the "Earthquake Drill" announcement from your floor warden or on the PA system. All UCOP employees should participate and practice “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” for 60 seconds.
This half-day course for UCOP supervisors and project managers on Tuesday, Oct. 26, from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in Franklin 11326 offers tips for building a more productive, effective team. You'll walk away with the skills needed to build and lead an effective team, maintain team performance, address team conflict and encourage participation.
It's all in the planning, project planning that is. This three-day course - Tuesday, Oct. 26 through Thursday, Oct. 28 from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. at the UC Extension in San Francisco - covers all of the the essentials of project planning and control. Learn more about the class.
Do you know the factors for making breast cancer screening choices? Dr. Mhel Kavanaugh-Lynch, director of the California Breast Cancer Research Program, will share insights on breast cancer screening in a noontime session on Wednesday, Oct. 27, in Franklin 5320.
President Barack Obama recently named UC San Diego Chancellor Marye Anne Fox and UC San Francisco researcher Stanley Prusiner National Medal of Science recipients! They are among only 10 this year to receive the highest national honor for scientists, engineers and inventors. Read more.
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