Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

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Facts about restarting contributions to the UC Retirement Plan

After a holiday of nearly 20 years, UC and employee members of the UC Retirement Plan (UCRP) will begin contributing to the plan in mid-April in order to sustain and preserve faculty and staff pension benefits. Get the facts here.

UCOP Brown Bag: Attendance Management

Join this informal, lunch-time session on April 29 to learn successful approaches to attendance management and to hear up-to-date information from Michael Lum of Labor/Employee Relations.

April 15 deadline for 2009 FSA claims and StayWell health assessment

All 2009 FSA claims must be submitted to Conexis by April 15. Mailed claims must be postmarked by the deadline to be processed. This is earlier than in previous years. April 15 is also the deadline for completing a StayWell Health Assessment and receiving a gift card. Get the details about both programs here.

Lawrence H. Pitts named UC provost

The Board of Regents has appointed UC professor emeritus Lawrence H. Pitts, M.D. as provost and executive vice president for academic affairs of the UC system. Pitts has been serving as interim provost since February 2009.

Health care reform changes to UC plans likely in 2011

With signing of the new healthcare legislation into law last week and the regulatory process expected to start in the near future, UC Human Resources will continue to closely monitor the implementation of the employer-related provisions. UC employees will be given notice of any changes, as well as information about how to take necessary actions, once additional details are available.

UCOP guests must be pre-registered at iVisitor

iVisitor is a quick and easy way to allow visitor access to the Franklin building. Users may access iVisitor from the Building Services home page by clicking on the iVisitor link. To use the online security tool, you need to obtain a user name and password from building services. If you don’t already have one, request it at:

Use or lose furlough time by August 31

Furlough time is not like vacation time or comp time that can be banked for later use or is paid out upon separation from the University. Furlough time may not be carried over after the systemwide furlough program ends August 31, 2010, so be sure to use your time before it’s too late.

Spotlight: Regents pledge diversity action

The UC Regents vowed to take responsibility for stamping out intolerance. Read more.

Online tool: dealing with angry people

UC's Learning Center has a new online presentation on how to deal with angry people. View the 10-minute presentation at UC Learning Center . Search for "angry people” and click the green start button. Questions? Contact Tacy Trowbridge at 510-987-0673 or

Spotlight: Task Force to present pension and benefit options

Hear about the possible options for pension and retire health benefits at a forum Wednesday, March 31, from 1-3 p.m. in the Kaiser Auditorium. Learn more.