Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

LinkedIn Learning — new courses available

Every week, more high-quality online courses are available through LinkedIn Learning — and they’re all free for UCOP employees! Check out what’s new this week and get started today.

Cultivate this workplace habit to boost your confidence

Wondering what you can do to get ahead at work? Don’t miss this helpful advice from LinkedIn Learning.

Master Halogen for Performance Appraisal Mid-Year Check-Ins

If you’re new to UCOP or managing people for the first time this year, take advantage of upcoming Halogen trainings from the UCOP Learning and Development team.

MS Project (class 1/2)

Microsoft Project is the industry-standard tool for organizing and tracking any-sized project—large or small. This course teaches the basic commands and features of Microsoft Project. Register

Boost your career the write way

A new effective writing skills bundle from UCOP Learning and Development helps you gain the skills you need to be a persuasive, succinct and impactful writer. Learn more and register!

UC WI empowers UC women

Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in this impactful professional development opportunity, described by past participants as inspirational, empowering and informative.

Master Adobe Acrobat — accessibility and more

This October, learn how to become a pro at Adobe Acrobat. Make PDF files that are professional, accessible to all users and easy for you to create. Sign up today!

New change management workshops

The OP Change Management Community of Practice is committed to helping colleagues learn to navigate workplace changes effectively. Boost your skills with two upcoming workshops.

IABC workshop: Communicating change management

The IABC will be host an evening workshop at Oakland’s Franklin building. UCOP employees are invited to attend at a special discount rate!

Become a whiz at project management

The Learning and Development team has just released a project management bundle to help you master the art of organization and planning.