Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

SERG to host virtual holiday wrap party and more opportunities to connect

Find out how to choose sustainable wrapping paper, explore budget- and planet-friendly paper alternatives and discover fun food gift ideas!

Celebrating our progress on National ERG Day

In recognition of National ERG Day on Nov. 17, the EDI Department is celebrating the accomplishments of UCOP’s ERGs over the past calendar year.

Produce from UC Riverside farm share

Reminder: Join SERG for Earth Month events this week

Get tips for reducing waste, swap crops and plants, get a plant starter kit and compostable coffee grounds or check out the Oakland rooftop garden.

SERG marks Earth Month with Oakland, UCPath and virtual events

Get tips for reducing waste, swap crops and plants, get a plant starter kit and compostable coffee grounds or check out the Oakland rooftop garden.

Mark your calendar for in-person ERG social events, this week and next

UCOP employee resource groups have been busy planning fun activities for colleagues to celebrate the end of the calendar year.

Celebrate the holidays sustainably with SERG and OPSA

Learn tips for sustainable holiday gifts and wrapping during their virtual, Oakland and UCPath Center celebrations!

UCOP Pride Cochair Hilary Steinman

10-Second Bio: Hilary Steinman, cochair, UCOP SERG

Meet Senior Commodity Manager Hilary Steinman, cochair of the UCOP Sustainability Employee Resource Group.

Celebrating a year of success for UCOP’s employee resource groups

Staff leaders have achieved many notable accomplishments in support of all UCOP employees.

Gratitude for Earth Month at UCOP

UCOP's Sustainability Employee Resource Group held in-person and virtual celebrations to recognize Earth Month at UCOP.

UC Santa Cruz student researcher standing by the ocean in a yellow raincoat

SERG spotlights the future of CA water

Join SERG for an Earth Week event celebrating UC research and insights into water in California.

Gingerbread cookies

Connect with colleagues at OPSA engagement meeting and virtual bingo

OPSA members invite all colleagues to join them at two fun events this week to connect with UCOP and systemwide staff.