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3 tips for a green holiday barbecue

Planning a socially distanced celebration for the holiday weekend? UC Sustainability shares how to make your celebration sustainable.

woman holding papers

UCOP Sustainability Green Tip of the Week: Save paper

If you’re a note-taker or handout-maker, think digital to reduce waste.

Award-winning sustainability at UC Health

UC’s health systems received 13 environmental sustainability awards in Practice Greenhealth’s 2020 Environmental Excellence Award competition!

UCOP Sustainability Green Tip of the Week: Stay cool

Help stay cool and keep utility bills low with this helpful advice.

UCOP Sustainability: Green Tip of the Week

Did you know? Electronic devices that are plugged in consume power even when they’re off.

Keep celebrating Earth Month with these easy sustainability tips

Living sustainably shouldn’t only be top of mind in April. It’s easy to make small lifestyle adjustments that can have a big impact on the planet. Here’s how.

Celebrate Earth Week with UCOP gardens and upcoming events

UCOP staff are all thumbs — green thumbs that is! Here are some of the lovely plants and gardens our colleagues have been growing during our time at home.

Celebrate Earth Month wherever you are!

With the statewide “shelter-in-place” mandate in effect, most of us are already living more sustainably. But we can continue to do so throughout the year. Mark Earth Month with online workshops, events and more!

Enroll in an online course about UCOP sustainability

Although the coronavirus is dominating the news, April is Earth Month! UCOP Learning and Development is launching new courses to help you live more sustainably.