Catharine Baker named director of the UC Student and Policy Center
Catharine is a former California State Assemblymember and champion of higher education.
Catharine is a former California State Assemblymember and champion of higher education.
Explore the current barriers to decarbonizing California homes featuring Iain Walker, Ph.D., of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Join the UC Center Sacramento for a talk examining the current barriers to decarbonizing California homes, including the need to transition away from the traditional focus on how much energy is used, to instead
Brie Williams, M.D., director of Amend at UCSF and a leader in health care advocacy for incarcerated people, will share her research and its impacts.
Hear from three expert panelists on how California is beginning to address the problem of its chronically unsheltered homeless population.
This special event will feature Dr. Aimee Moulin of UC Davis Health in conversation with Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg.
The UC Center Sacramento has launched a new speaker series: Finding Policy Solutions at the Nexus of Homelessness, Mental Illness, and Incarceration.
Jay Lund, Ph.D., of UC Davis will explain the history of water in California and what we can expect due to future projections.
Join the UC Center Sacramento for an investigation into climate-related heat and how Californians can adapt.