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10-Second Bio: Kathleen Quenneville

I used to sing with the Oakland Symphony Chorus

Dr. Stobo discusses the physician shortage in the U.S.

In a recent article on the UC Health website, Dr. John D. Stobo, SVP of UC Health Sciences and Services, discusses the physician shortage, alternative ways to solve the shortage and some examples of how UC Health is contributing to the solution. Read the full article on the UC Health website.

In Profile: Science Today

For almost 13 years, UCOP’s Larissa Branin has served as a major artery between the public and UC researchers.

Manage your junk e-mail

UCOP employees using Outlook can manage junk e-mail two ways: through the Tumbleweed server-based filter and the Outlook desktop-based filter.

UC’s achievements in challenging year

For the University of California, 2009 was filled with the trials of state funding slashes resulting in layoffs, furloughs and fee increases that brought about campus protests reminiscent of the 1960s. In spite of those challenges, UC continued to achieve marks of distinction. Visit the UC Newsroom to read a few of the highlights of 2009 that demonstrate the role UC plays in serving the people of California and advancing the world's knowledge of science and health. Click here to view our achievements in the UC Newsroom.

Open Forum: What is your New Year’s resolution?

About half of all American adults say they are at least somewhat likely to make a New Year's resolution this year. Their top vows: to lose weight (19%), quit smoking (12%) and exercise more (10%). Sound familiar? We want to know, what is your New Year's resolution?