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15 March 2011 Did You Know?
Link, UCOP’s weekly e-newsletter, has migrated to an upgraded content management system and a new, easy-to-remember URL. You still receive the same e-mail every Tuesday with UCOP news and updates and can let us know about your upcoming events and programs.
15 March 2011 UC In The News
New electronic health record systems at the University of California's five academic medical centers will help deliver care that is better, safer and smarter.
15 March 2011 10-Second Bio
Meet Paul Master, OSCR project manager, who has a passion for motorcycles and rides his 500-lb. Triumph to work every day from Lafayette.
13 March 2011 Open Forum
While real nourishment looks different for each one of us, we all share the search for a place inside ourselves that opens us up to greater purpose. Join Dan Neitz, MFT, at 712 Kasier Building on Wednesday, March 16, 12 to 1 p.m., for a wellness seminar on “Self care: which part of myself should I care for?”
8 March 2011 UC In The News
As the Peace Corps marks its 50th birthday, UC celebrates its remarkable tradition of public service in the venerable organization, created in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy.
8 March 2011 OP Headlines
UCOP's Marty Simpson was named the best intellectual property lawyer at the 2011 Best Bay Area Corporate Counsel awards on Feb. 22.
Participants in the Berkeley Mentorship Program (from left) James Dudek, Mary Graham and Roia Ferrazares say the experience helped them meet a wide range of goals.
7 March 2011 OP Headlines
The upgraded entry and exit gates, scheduled for installation in the Franklin lobby by Monday, March 14, will provide a new level of security for the building. Using the new gates will require a simple swipe of your UCOP identity card, same as the current system, but swiping your ID will also be required to exit.
7 March 2011 Open Forum
The March meeting of the UCOP Staff Assembly is scheduled for Wednesday, March 9, 12 to 1 p.m., in Room 11326 of the Franklin building. For questions, contact Andrea Gerstenberger at or 510-287-3807.
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