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Protect your paycheck – New disability insurance options for 2017

UC is changing its voluntary disability insurance options to give all eligible employees — those currently covered and those not enrolled — new options for protecting their finances.

Give the gift of life: Donate blood on Thursday, Sept. 22

With the bloodmobile in downtown Oakland, donating will be easy, convenient and fast.

UC Santa Cruz college renamed for writer who inspired the environmental movement

College Eight is renamed for Rachel Carson, "a champion for the environment, a woman excelling in science, and a person of dignity.”

UC enrolls most diverse class ever

This fall, 38 percent of the California freshman and transfer students beginning studies at a UC campus were underrepresented minorities.

UPDATE: Taco Tuesday postponed

The Sept. 27 event will need to be rescheduled.

Spread the news: The UCPath Center is recruiting!

With an immediate goal to hire more than 100 people in the next 12 months, and an additional 240 employees in 2018, the UCPath Center (UCPC) needs a stream of applicants who are qualified

Sierra magazine names UC campuses among the nation’s greenest

Irvine placed third out of more than 200 universities around the country, becoming the only university to score in the top 10 for seven consecutive years.

Former NFL player learning to feed the hungry at UC Santa Cruz

Former NFL star defensive end Kalimba Edwards is on an ambitious mission: He hopes to one day create a self-sustaining food system that can feed the nation’s hungry and homeless. “But first I have to