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UC honors student leadership efforts to improve campuses, communities

“Student activism and public service have been a hallmark of the University of California and its students for 150 years,” President Napolitano said.

Heading outdoors? What you need to know about Lyme disease this summer

Lyme disease is on the rise. A UCSF expert talks about the research under way and how you can protect yourself.

Photo slideshow: Smiles for miles at UC Walks

Hundreds of UCOP staff members in Oakland and Riverside celebrated the return of UC Walks on May 16 by donning their walking shoes for an energetic group walk. In Oakland, 478 staff turned out for

How UC grads drive the state’s workforce

A UC diploma propels alums along a path of economic mobility that creates success for the entire state. Investing in UC is an investment in California’s future. The UC Advocacy Network (UCAN) is a community

Where to pick up a 150th anniversary commemorative poster

You can pick up a poster commemorating the university's 150th birthday at one of these two locations.

May update on OP Restructuring Effort

In her latest update, President Napolitano detailed four additional restructuring options that will be reviewed in the coming weeks and months.

Celebrate Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month with Filipino cultural event

Join the Asian Pacific Islander Staff Association for a self-defense workshop, food, history and more.

Stigma-Free UC webinar Wednesday: What is mental health awareness and what can we do better?

Award-winning speaker and author Ross Szabo, who is a wellness director at UCLA, will discuss how we can improve our efforts to raise awareness.