Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

COVID-19 and Anti-Asian American Pacific Islander hate

APISA presents Russell Jeung, Ph.D., one of Time Magazine’s Top 100 Influential Persons of 2021.

Save the dates for upcoming Confronting Racism events

The next Confronting Racism events will focus on anti-Asian discrimination and UC Irvine's Black Thriving Initiative.

President Michael V. Drake, MD

A message from President Drake regarding Provost Brown

Michael T. Brown will step down as systemwide provost and executive vice president, Academic Affairs, at the end of this academic year. He will stay on as senior advisor to President Drake.

Colleagues working together on a laptop computer

Managers’ Corner: New required STEP training to strengthen your feedback and coaching skills

Register today for your live STEP training, offered Feb. 1 – March 15, 2022.

Man meditating

Learn to start a mindfulness practice and reduce stress

If you've been feeling stressed or overwhelmed, consider attending a live training on mindfulness, stress reduction, emotional intelligence and cultivating a growth mindset.

Get — and stay — organized at work

Learning and Development is offering two courses focused on helping you to get organized to minimize daily stress and stay productive.

Tuesday: PACSW presents Dr. Monica Gandhi, UCSF

Monica Gandhi, M.D., M.P.H., is a professor of medicine and associate chief at UCSF’s Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases, and Global Medicine, among other accolades.

airplane wing

Tips for completing UC business travel forms

There’s no such thing as too much detail. Tell the whole story!