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Get more out of your STEP Check-in conversations with this workshop

As part of UCOP’s Staff Talent Evaluation Process (aka STEP), all employees participate in three scheduled Check-in conversations with their managers in late August, early December, and late March. The goal of these conversations is to give you and your manager an opportunity to discuss the status of your goals and competencies, give and receive feedback, address concerns and discuss any needed support.

Because it can sometimes be difficult to hear and respond to your manager’s feedback — especially if improvement is needed — and to provide upward feedback about what you need from your manager to succeed, UCOP launched the GROW coaching framework in 2021. The GROW framework helps deepen Check-in conversations to make them more productive and meaningful.

A helpful workshop from UCOP Learning and Development can help you succeed even further. In GROWing Your Check-In Conversations for Employees, we’ll discuss the GROW framework in detail and help you understand how to incorporate it into your Check-in conversations. You’ll then have an opportunity to practice using the GROW framework through conversations with your peers. Finally, we’ll share tips and strategies for providing feedback — even in sticky situations.

The next offering of this course will take place Tuesday, July 23, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (PT). This is a great opportunity to practice using the GROW framework and then take time to consider what you want to get out of your late August Check-in conversation.

Register online here

Visit the STEP website for more information about our performance appraisal process. For questions, contact your manager, HR Business Partner or


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