Building consolidation records project: What’s next?
As construction continues on the new Oakland building, all departments should be actively preparing for their moves. A key part of this preparation is evaluating, organizing, storing and digitizing or purging hard-copy departmental records.
New! TOPS employees
To help departments in sorting, boxing and inventorying records for off-site storage, UCOP Building and Administrative Services (BASC) has hired Temporary Office of the President Staffing (TOPS) employees, managed by Records Management.
Starting this week, TOPS employees are available to assist departments in sorting and organizing records for you, identifying records that can be destroyed, sending records to off-site storage and prepping records for scanning.
Records Management is in the process of identifying a consultant who will help departments develop taxonomies to start the prep work associated with scanning records and digital storage.
Take advantage of Records Management services
Contact Records Management at or (510) 987-0399 to help your department prepare for the move.
- Make an appointment for a strategic meeting with UCOP Records Management to review the consultants’ assessment of your department’s records and identify next steps.
- Schedule assistance from TOPS employees.