Learn sustainable gift wrap tips from SERG
Discover how to choose and create sustainable gift wrap at an in-person and virtual DIY workshop and celebration.
Discover how to choose and create sustainable gift wrap at an in-person and virtual DIY workshop and celebration.
Learn how to have a sustainable holiday and join colleagues in sharing your favorite holiday traditions.
Learn how to choose and create sustainable gift wrap at in-person and virtual DIY workshops and celebrations.
Join NAIPISA for a lunchtime discussion of how the new UC Native American Cultural Affiliation and Repatriation Policy, CalNAGPRA, and the federal NAGPRA law impact UC.
The many veterans who serve UC bring inspiring stories of personal and community uplift, skills and values honed through diverse experiences and a commitment to lives of service.
UCOP employee resource groups are supporting local charities and community members in need. Join them through volunteering or donations.
Start your holiday season off on a sweet note by making a purchase at the UCOP-BSFO Yum-Raiser Storefront!
November is Native American Heritage Month and UCOP's Native American, Indigenous, and Pacific Islander Staff Association has events planned to help recognize it.
Help your colleagues give back by signing up to donate goods or to volunteer at an in-person event.
"It was a fantastic networking and learning event, but most of all it was super fun!" says Merideth Wakeman.
Montez joins UCOP from UC Berkeley, where he has served as executive director of communications and media relations for seven years.
Colleagues, especially those new to UCOP, are grateful for Alina's support, patience and expertise.