Wellness workshops on domestic violence: Oct. 20 only
The Wellness brown bag on domestic violence scheduled for Oct. 31has been canceled. You are encouraged to attend the Kaiser session on Monday, Oct. 20.
The Wellness brown bag on domestic violence scheduled for Oct. 31has been canceled. You are encouraged to attend the Kaiser session on Monday, Oct. 20.
You are invited to attend one of several workshops in October and November on Compensation Basics, which provides an overview of UCOP's compensation system.
Learn the pros and cons of scanning your documents before you hit the scan button when Records Manager Laurie Sletten returns with Scanning 101 this Wednesday.
UCOP's migration to Microsoft Windows 7 and Office 2010 will be complete by early next year, and UCOP is offering PC training workshops to prepare you for the transition.
If you need help managing stress, look no further than UCOP's wellness workshops in Stress Management, the first of which takes place today, Sept. 16.
UC's Financial Education workshops will be held today, with sessions at both Kaiser and Franklin, to help you make the most of your UC retirement funds.
Summer may be over but it’s never too late to get fit. UCOP’s WorkFit program returns this week with a try-it-for free week. You don’t even need to register; just show up.
UCOP’s new preferred Internet-based conference and collaboration service, Fuze, will offer one more live webinar on Wednesday, Sept. 10.
If you're interested but haven't yet signed up, be sure to register through the UC Learning Center by 5 p.m. today, Tuesday, Sept. 2.
UCOP’s Wellness Program offers the second of two brown bags on “Get Moving!” to help you increase your physical activity and your health.