Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Ransomware: How to protect yourself at work and at home

Ransomware is the fastest growing malware threat, targeting users of all types — from the home user to the corporate network.

How to make your virtual conference better than a live one

A conference wrapped up recently at UC Santa Barbara, but this was not a typical academic conference. There was no mess to clean up at the end: no coffee-stained tablecloths and muffin crumbs. The attendees

Important restrictions on the use of state funds at UCOP

All staff needs to be aware of existing state restrictions and new UCOP requirements.

How to throw a healthy summer party: Tips from UCLA Health

Summer is the perfect time to heat up the grill and gather with friends and family. Two dietitians at UCLA Health – Erin Morse and Dana Hunnes – share their tips on how to host

BRC Blast: Setting up annual purchase orders

The beginning of the new fiscal year is the perfect time to set up your annual purchase orders.

Important information about whistleblower activities at UC and the California Whistleblower Protection Act

The university’s Whistleblower Policy provides multiple avenues for employees to bring forward concerns of potential misconduct.

FAQs about the state audit of UCOP

For our staff, here are answers to questions you may have about the state audit report and UCOP's response to it.

BRC Blast: Fiscal close deadlines

Find out when your invoices, reimbursements and other year-end transactions need to get to the BRC in order for them to appear in this year’s budget.

UC research: Binge-watching might actually be good for you

Is it possible that binge-watching an entire season of "House of Cards" might actually be healthy?