Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

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Shout-Out for Veeresham Merugu and Swapna Rachamalla

Michelle Baniqued is grateful to Veeresham and Swapna for making a huge impact in systems processing time.

Shout-Out for Julie McCormick

BRC colleagues are blown away by Julie's exceptional work in setting up a new collaborative process.

UC women rock IT: Celebrating UCOP women in technology

Marisa Strong, Gergana Tsvetkovas, Priya Mishra and Christine Kim are leading the way in UCOP technology. Help celebrate their remarkable work.

Theresa Maldonado elected president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

AAAS is the world’s largest multidisciplinary scientific society and a leading publisher of innovative research through the Science family of journals.

21 UC faculty named 2024 Sloan Research fellows

On Feb. 20, 21 University of California faculty — across seven campuses — were named 2024 Sloan Research fellows by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

Shout-Out for the New Year’s Welcome Breakfast volunteers

Shirley Bittlingmeier is grateful to the volunteers who helped organize and execute the Jan. 17 New Year’s Welcome Breakfast in Oakland.

Reminder: Share your 2023 highlights with Link!

Let us know what made you happy in 2023, so we can share your good news with colleagues.

Shout-Out for the Oracle financial applications migration team

Arun Duggal sends an enthusiastic Shout-Out to the team who migrated Oracle financial applications to GEN 2 data centers.

UC researchers are among the most influential in the world, according to Clarivate

More than 300 UC faculty members and scientists from across all 10 campuses have been named as among the most influential in their fields.

Shout-Out for the Oracle eLedger team

Barbara Cevallos sends a Shout-Out to the Oracle eLedger Team.