Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Hands of UCSF researcher working on laptop next to sample vials

Big data, bigger impact on health care transformation from CDI2

Cora Han, J.D., shares perspectives on health care data, training data-minded clinicians and collaborating with a community of experts.

Doctor holding cellphone

Get to know Accolade health care advocate

Attend an upcoming webinar to learn how Accolade can support you on your health care journey.

Row of people's arms taped with crossed red IV bandages

Sign up and save the date: Red Cross Blood Drive on June 18 in Oakland

Blood is desperately needed. Join UCOP colleagues in giving back.

President Drake Town Hall

April 16: UCOP Town Hall with President Drake

The next UCOP Town Hall with President Drake will take place on Tuesday, April 16, from 9 – 10 a.m. (PT), in Oakland, Franklin Lobby 1, and via Zoom.

UC Travel explores sustainability at UC

This Thursday, April 11, UC Travel will host a special event featuring UCOP Associate Director of Sustainability Ryan Bell.

The CUCSA Delegation at UC San Diego for their winter quarter meeting.

Meet the Council of UC Staff Assemblies Executive Board

On April 10, learn how CUCSA advocates for staff interests at the campus and systemwide levels.

President Michael V. Drake, MD

Ask your question for President Drake by 5 p.m. Tuesday

At the April 16 Town Hall, President Drake will provide brief opening remarks and then answer questions from UCOP staff.

Sign up for Oakland building evacuation training

Prepare for a potential emergency evacuation by registering for an upcoming in-person or virtual training session.

Celebrate Hanami in Oakland with APISA

Join APISA in celebrating cherry blossom season and the arrival of spring!

Jay Henderson, Jorge Silva & Cathy O'Sullivan

Postponed: Leading Toward Equity features Jay Henderson, Jorge Silva and Cathy O’Sullivan

The Leading Toward Equity series presents unscripted conversations with UCOP leaders on EDI, and our efforts toward becoming an anti-racist organization.

PACSW celebrates 15 years this Wednesday

Join PACSW members in celebrating 15 years of accomplishments and enjoy light refreshments in Oakland.

airplane wing

UC Travel to host sustainability-focused “lunch flyover” events throughout April

Learn how UC Travel and its partners are working to enhance sustainability throughout the travel industry.