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Women’s History Month: Celebrating the extraordinary women of UC

Watch these short videos celebrating just a few of the accomplished women at UC.

Don’t miss UC’s 150th anniversary celebration this Friday

The celebration will include remarks from President Napolitano, refreshments, music and a raffle.

How UC faced down a global pandemic

UCLA and UCSF doctors fought HIV from its earliest beginnings. Now, they are beginning to speak of a cure.

Celebrating EBCF graduates

Information session – It’s not too late to become an East Bay College Fund mentor

Have you ever thought of becoming a mentor to one of Oakland’s youth? Did you miss the last information session, but still want to learn more?  It’s not too late — you are still

Celebrate Cesar Chavez Day with Vicki Lynn Ruiz

Join the Latino Staff Association for a Cesar Chavez celebration featuring Vicki Lynn Ruiz, Distinguished Professor Emerita of History and Chicano/Latino Studies at UC Irvine and the first Latina recipient of the National Humanities Medal. An expert

Departing staff advisor reflects on work to “elevate the common threads” of staff voices

Jason Valdry learned early in his career with UC that he is happiest when he is giving back to the university. And serving as staff advisor to the UC Board of Regents was an

On International Women’s Day, join with UC to advance women’s health

On March 8, the University of California will mark International Women’s Day across our campuses, hospitals and labs. On a day where the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women are celebrated around