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UC-affiliated athletes crush the Rio Olympics, winning 31 medals

UC athletes made a splash in the 2016 Summer Olympics, winning 31 medals — including 18 gold medals, more than all but four nations. Along with all that gold, UC-affiliated athletes brought home five silver

Dr. Arthur Ellis named Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies at UCOP

Dr. Arthur Ellis has joined UCOP as Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies (RGS), effective Aug. 10. He will report to Provost and EVP for Academic Affairs Aimée Dorr. “Dr. Ellis is exceptionally well qualified for

UC summer programs cultivate diversity

During the academic offseason, UC hosts thousands of high school and undergraduate students in programs aimed at sparking interest in areas of study that have struggled to attract women and minorities. The goal: excite

Annual UCOP ITS Tech Fair draws a crowd

The third annual UCOP ITS Tech Fair was a huge success, with an estimated 300 people dropping by during the two-hour event held on Wednesday, Aug. 10. By visiting the 12 tables run by various

President’s Scholarship awarded to five Oakland students

Nothing has the power to change a person’s life like education. A college education opens up access to the world, to other people, to opportunities, and to new and expanded ways of thinking. It’s

Summertime means community time for 11th floor of Franklin

Life was a beach on the 11th floor of the Franklin building at the end of the work day on Thursday, Aug. 4. It was also a county fair, a BBQ and the summer Olympics. To

UC’s Launch Academy gives L.A. youngsters a math and science boost

Los Angeles sixth-grader Alana Matthews thinks that someday she might like to be an astronaut. But on a recent morning, she was focused on a more immediate goal: tweaking the designs on a paper

UC athletes make up 8 percent of the U.S. Olympic delegation

A total of 102 athletes, coaches and staff from eight UC campuses will take part in the Summer Olympics, beginning Aug. 5 in Rio de Janeiro.