Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

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Close-up of UC Health doctor

Last chance: Open Enrollment ends this Friday, Nov. 22

If you've waited to elect your 2025 benefits, delay no more! Open Enrollment for 2025 benefits ends this Friday, Nov. 22 at 5 p.m. (PT). 

Mixed race female mentor hr manager consulting african american client teaching intern new employee with laptop, black designer advisor make business offer to customer showing computer presentation

PACSW and OPSA help colleagues understand promotions at UCOP

A fact sheet and two upcoming webinars are aimed at helping UCOP colleagues better understand how to advance their careers.

Man wearing headphones looking at laptop

Required training on workplace violence prevention due by Dec. 20, 2024

All UCOP employees must complete mandatory workplace violence prevention training by Dec. 20, 2024.

Get to know your colleagues in the SPMO

Discover the stories, strategies and programs that are shaping the work of the Strategy and Program Management Office.

man smiling on a zoom call with a woman

An update on UCOP’s holiday and floating flex-weeks

UCOP employees with hybrid work arrangements have additional flexibility to work from home, with an annual allotment of three designated holiday flex-weeks and one floating flex-week.

UCOP Oakland building

Upcoming changes in UCOP HR

The UCOP Human Resources function will shift from UCOP Operations to Systemwide HR, effective Dec. 1. 

Amy Levine

Sign up today for Making Power Moves: Women and Leadership

Making Power Moves is an exceptional career development opportunity with content focused on women and leadership.

Girl holding balloons

Travel Talk Tuesday will cover morale-building events and end-of-year celebrations

If you’re thinking about hosting a department gathering to celebrate staff achievements, don’t miss the BRC’s last Travel Talk Tuesday of 2024.

Person typing on a laptop computer

Round out your year with December professional development

Learning and Development is offering an array of classes and leadership development opportunities throughout the month of December.

Be sweet: Support BSFO’s “Yum-Raising” Scholarship Fundraiser

If you're looking for a delicious holiday gift or treat, support the Black Staff and Faculty Organization by buying See's Candies.

Woman looking at holiday decorations on a cubicle

Important office reminders: Holiday decor safety and personal packages

The holiday season is upon us! As you celebrate in the office, please take note of these timely reminders from UCOP Building Services.