Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

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WEDNESDAY: Celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights, at APISA potluck

All UCOP staff is invited to a potluck feast on Oct. 25 to celebrate this holiday.

Work group to be formed to study, make recommendations about health benefits for retirees

In the face of continually rising health care costs, UC must evaluate options to ensure the long-term financial viability of the retiree health benefits program and manage costs.

Group of UC students walking through campus

UC leaders deliver a message of access to California students and schools

The Achieve UC outreach program encourages students in communities with low college-going rates to aim for and attain a high-quality college education.

A message from UCOP leadership about the North Bay fires

On Oct. 12, President Napolitano and Executive Vice President Rachael Nava sent a message about the fires, including how staff affected by them can receive assistance.

Discounted Warriors tickets now available for Dec. 14 game

UCOP staff can now purchase discounted tickets to the Warriors vs. Dallas Mavericks game as well as two others previously announced.

WEDNESDAY: Special screening of Under Four Trees documentary

The film shows how Nomusa Zikhali built a school in rural South Africa that nurtures and educates local children fighting hunger, disease and loss of parents.

Understanding UC’s benefits for domestic partners

If you are in a domestic partnership, make sure you understand the rules to ensure your partner doesn’t lose out on any valuable benefits.

Sign up for UCOPAlert to be contacted in case of emergency

Because UCOPAlert is entirely voluntary for employees, you will only receive emergency notifications if you supply your personal contact information.

Preparing for Retirement seminar offered Oct. 27

This seminar is aimed at those planning to retire within the next five years but is open to anyone who wants to learn more about their UC Retirement Plan (UCRP) benefits.

How the Take Charge program can benefit employees and their managers

The five-month program will provide 20 UCOP administrative and support staff members with valuable tools to better direct and manage their careers.