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Dug the Pug

Join Records Management for an open house

UCOP Records Compliance Week is August 5-9. Meet Records Management staff, clean out your workspace, finalize your scanning needs and attend an informational webinar.

Woman with paper

Get ready for Records Compliance Week

UCOP Records Compliance Week is August 5-9. It’s a great time to toss unneeded records, meet with Iron Mountain or take an informational webinar about records management.

Five great reasons to deal with your records now

Have you been procrastinating at organizing your files for off-site storage? Please take a deep breath and breathe in. Then remember: We all have a lot of files and we’re all in this together. It’s up to each of us to be organized and ready to move.

Time for another recycle purge!

Are you ready for the Oakland move? Clear your workspace by recycling obsolete paper records. Our next purge week will take place June 24-28.

Iron Mountain

Off-site storage myths – busted!

If you’ve been worried about sending your boxes to storage, don’t worry: Iron Mountain is a highly organized business partner, not a black hole! Learn more about our safe and reliable off-site storage.

Records Management workshops, D-TOKs and TOPS

Are you ready for the Oakland move? Records Management has you covered with workshops on organizing digital files, opportunities to purge non-records and help to prepare physical records for storage.

Building consolidation records project: What’s next?

Is your department struggling to organize its records prior to the UCOP Oakland move? TOPS employees are available to help.

Records Management: Time for a purge!

Is your Oakland department ready for the move? Participate in a March purge week to get rid of unnecessary files.

Plan your records needs for the new Oakland UCOP building complex

When the new Oakland building opens in 2020, does your department know what to do with its records? Schedule your departmental strategic meeting with Records Management by contacting or (510) 987-0399.