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Man sleeping

Why Congress is moving forward from turning the clocks forward

Changes to time, and routine, can mess with our sleep. That doesn't just hurt our physical health — it makes us lonely.

Save the dates for upcoming Confronting Racism events

The next Confronting Racism events will focus on anti-Asian discrimination and UC Irvine's Black Thriving Initiative.

UC Berkeley senior is the campus’ first student to be admitted while incarcerated

In a new feel-good article, the San Francisco Chronicle shares the story of a former inmate who has used his admittance to help others.

A UC Berkeley effort brings air purifiers to Bay Area residents in need

To date, the Common Humanity Collective has assembled 1,200 air purifiers and given them out to those most at risk from wildfire smoke. 

UC Berkeley’s David Card wins 2021 Nobel Prize in economics

David Cards work challenged orthodoxy and dramatically shifted our understanding of inequality and the social and economic forces that impact low-wage workers.

Em Huang

Meet UC Berkeley’s Em Huang, identity pathfinder and volleyball coach

At UC Berkeley, Em guides students, faculty and staff in exploring, communicating and connecting around their multifaceted identities. In their spare time, they coach and mentor high school volleyball players.

Woman standing in smoky air from wildfire

How much wildfire smoke is infiltrating our homes?

While many of us are reducing our exposure to wildfire smoke by staying inside, keeping windows closed and running air filtration systems on smoky days, data remains limited on how well these efforts are paying off.

Shopping cart with grocery bags

UC research: Don’t be alarmed by rising prices for homes, cars, and gas

A measure of inflation is inevitable as the U.S. economy comes back online, but it will likely be modest. And it will almost certainly blow over as the economy stabilizes.