Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

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Photo slideshow: The day UCOP staff took the kids to work

It was no ordinary workday at the Franklin Building. On April 26, Franklin’s hallways and conference rooms teemed with children clad in UC T-shirts and eager to catch a glimpse of what happens at

Brown bag May 9: Staff Engagement Survey results

The brown bag will include a discussion on the survey findings, projects and initiatives, and an opportunity to receive additional staff feedback through instant polling.

Complete the new compliance training by June 30

This required systemwide training is designed to raise continued awareness of the University of California Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct, and to emphasize the university’s commitment to ethical and compliant behavior.

Join Franklin’s bid for LEED Gold on May 11

Take the short survey on May 11 to help Franklin renew its LEED Gold certification, the gold standard for environmentally responsible buildings.

Sleep: How it works, what it does and how to get enough

Ying-Hui Fu, a professor at UCSF, will share her research into sleep and sleep patterns.

Had personal changes this year? Be sure to update your information on UCPath

Ensuring your information is up-to-date will allow your supervisor to contact you, or whoever you've designated, in an emergency. This will also ensure the UCPath Center knows how to get in touch with you if you move, retire or separate from UC.

Donate blood Wednesday and help save three lives

Donating blood takes about an hour, and your contribution is important for a healthy and reliable blood supply.

Consider reviewing your paycheck withholdings

You may want to review and adjust your withholdings for 2018 to avoid a higher than expected tax bill next year. To help you decide, the IRS has an online tax withholding calculator that you can use.