Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Woman looking at holiday decor at UCOP

Important office reminders: Holiday decor safety and personal packages

The holiday season is upon us! As you celebrate in the office, please take note of these timely reminders from UCOP Building Services.

Learn how to use new Oakland Zoom Room technology

Telecommunications Services is working to bring the latest conference room technology to UCOP.

Woman working at computer

Group 4 (UCPath) SharePoint sites are moving to the cloud on Dec. 11

Once the migration is complete, the existing Group 4 SharePoint sites for UCPath will be redirected to the new SharePoint Online sites.

Shout-Out for the Oracle eLedger team

Barbara Cevallos sends a Shout-Out to the Oracle eLedger Team.

Play bingo with OPSA this Friday, Dec. 8

Meet colleagues from UCOP and around UC while playing a fun online bingo game.