Need money for college? Help is out there — but only if you fill out the FAFSA
You’re likely to get more money than you expect — and we’re talking about grants and scholarships that never have to be paid back.
You’re likely to get more money than you expect — and we’re talking about grants and scholarships that never have to be paid back.
Find out how the Link editorial team can help promote your UCOP news.
President Drake shares his reflections on Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy and its impact today.
As of Jan. 2, 2024, a dedicated team of accredited financial professionals are available for personalized retirement counseling by appointment.
On Jan. 10, 2024, University of California President Michael V. Drake, M.D. issued a statement on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposed 2024-25 budget.
Come to the New Year's Welcome Breakfast on Jan. 17 in Oakland and save the date for a March 26 webinar featuring the UC National Labs.
A new interim procedure allows certain remote employees to calculate travel reimbursement from their home address.
On Feb. 6, APISA will provide food, cultural activities and networking time for staff in Oakland and at the UC Path Center!
Congratulations to Ethan Savage, Jessica Heredia and Trevor Finneman.