Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Boost your well-being at UC Walks on May 16

On Wednesday, May 16, UCOP employees in Oakland and UCPath employees in Riverside are invited to gather for the ninth annual UC Walks — a Systemwide WellBeing Initiative program that is coordinated by the

Pile of files

Recycle your non-records materials during Earth Week

You can contact Records Management to have someone come to your department on Wednesday, April 25 or Thursday, April 26 to help you start assessing your records.

Wednesday: Wear denim as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April 25 has become National Denim Day, a movement to protest the misconceptions around sexual assault.

Want to learn more about UC Scout? Join today’s webinar.

Join an April 24 webinar to learn about the expansion of this online learning program that provides California high school students with free access to the courses they need to be eligible — and competitive — college applicants.

BRC training on fiscal close processes on April 30 and May 1

The training will explain all the financial processes associated with the annual fiscal close.

UC and CCC sign agreement to boost transfers, increase academic preparation

Under the MOU, students who complete one of the UC pathways and achieve the requisite GPA will be guaranteed a place within the UC system.

Recycle your non-record materials during Earth Week

Records management and building staff will hold informational meetings at multiple locations on Tuesday, April 24.

What Denim Day on Wednesday, April 25 means

UCOP staff members are invited to wear denim on Wednesday, April 25 for National Denim Day as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

UCOP Restructuring Effort: April update

After careful deliberation and consultation with division leaders, chancellors, Executive Budget Committee, Academic Senate, campus stakeholders and staff, President Napolitano announced the following decisions.