Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

2017 vendor changes for UC’s Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) plans

If you are enrolled in one of UC's PPO plans, you will see some changes beginning Jan. 1, 2017.

Row of people's arms taped with crossed red IV bandages

Spring into life: Donate blood this week!

Please consider donating this Wednesday, April 27 from 8:15 a.m. to 3 p.m. when the Red Cross bloodmobile will be parked near UCOP offices.

Stay safe in Oakland by being street smart

With crime persisting in Oakland, follow these precautions on the street to stay safe.

Summer session of WorkFit Program begins May 2

Program returns for the summer 2016 session starting with a try-it-for-free week.

Learn CPR and AED skills with onsite classes in May

The three-hour course will teach you how to save the life of a co-worker, friend or family member.

APISA logo

APISA brown bag on May 4: Filipino Food Movement

Learn about the role of food in the Filipino-American community and beyond -- and taste some samples.

The Young Professional Association (YPA) is now the OP Professional Community (OPPC)

Come to the new group's first community gathering on Thursday, May 12 at 5:30 p.m.

BRC training on fiscal close processes to be held on May 2 and 3

BRC will explain all the financial processes associated with the annual fiscal close.

Visit a wild heron and snowy egret nesting colony in downtown Oakland

Take a short lunchtime walk on May 4 to see dozens of chicks in the nests of black crowned night herons and snowy egrets.

President Napolitano: Tough choices at UC with good results for Californians

On April 9, President Napolitano published the following op-ed in the Mercury News:   Historical perspective is an important lens through which to view the University of California’s enrollment of out-of-state students. Without it — and

Visit to organic farm serves up life lessons for UC students

UC Global Food Initiative student fellows gathered for a springtime field trip in the Central Valley to learn about organic farming and get their hands dirty.