UC policy: No mailing or receiving personal packages at the office
UC mail services are for official university business only -- and that includes acceptance of delivery packages.
UC mail services are for official university business only -- and that includes acceptance of delivery packages.
If you are decorating your workspace, have fun – but keep our offices safe by following these guidelines.
The next time you access the UCPath online portal, you’ll notice a few changes that will make it easier for you to view and manage your benefits, including: Personalized information at a glance: The dashboard
In response to your survey concerns, here's information on the many services that Records Management provides, including help with digitizing your files.
Cybercriminals are out in force this time of year. Do you know all the ways to protect yourself?
Please review this important information, as some items may require action on your part.
Be sure to allow enough time for BRC to process invoices that your vendors want paid by end of this year.
If you're thinking of purchasing an electric vehicle, check out these limited-time discounts and rebates.
California is considered the highest risk earthquake area in the nation. A March 2015 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) forecast predicts a 72 percent probability of a 6.7 or greater earthquake in the San Francisco
If you are in a domestic partnership, make sure you understand the rules to ensure your partner doesn’t lose out on any valuable benefits.
Expand the functionality of Box with these third-party apps and helpful tips.
If you're planning an off-site event, remember that all contracts and agreements must be reviewed and approved by UCOP Local Procurement.