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Meet OP: Graduate Studies

  They confess they’re “a little noisy” — especially for a three-person unit — but that noise reflects their passion. Meet UCOP’s Graduate Studies (GS) unit (part of the Research and Graduate Studies or RGS department)

Ask Congress to support investment in research

The UC Advocacy Network (UCAN) has launched a call-to-action campaign asking our university advocates to reach out to members of Congress and express their support for federal investment in research. Federal funds are the university’s single most important

UC’s Climate Lab video series has launched

  On April 19, UC launched an innovative new six-part video series on climate change, Climate Lab, in partnership with Vox Media. Hosted by conservation scientist and UCLA Visiting Researcher Dr. M. Sanjayan, the videos explore the surprising elements

President Napolitano honors the 2017 Remarkable Women of UC

Since 1871, when the Regents decreed that women should be admitted to UC on an equal basis with men, countless women have used their UC education as a springboard to leadership and award-winning achievement

UC grad students: California’s force for research innovation

When people think of UC students, they usually think of undergraduates. But UC campuses also host thousands of Ph.D. students — the best and brightest from around the world — who advance learning, teaching

THURSDAY: Underground Scholars talk about how UC changes lives

The Feel the Impact series begins with UC Berkeley students sharing their experiences with incarceration and the impact of higher education on their lives.

President Napolitano at her desk

President Napolitano: UC initiative with Mexico shows advantages of cooperation over confrontation

On April 5, President Napolitano published an op-ed article in the Sacramento Bee about the UC-Mexico Initiative: I’ve just returned from three days of talks in Mexico City with leaders in the Mexican government, in

UC toasts its inaugural class of Presidential Public Service Fellows

Fresh from internships in Washington D.C. and Sacramento, UC’s first group of Presidential Public Service Fellows came together at UCOP recently to be honored for their service and to share their experiences. “I felt like my