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How UC grads drive the state’s workforce

A UC diploma propels alums along a path of economic mobility that creates success for the entire state. Investing in UC is an investment in California’s future. The UC Advocacy Network (UCAN) is a community

Where to pick up a 150th anniversary commemorative poster

You can pick up a poster commemorating the university's 150th birthday at one of these two locations.

UC Walks is back! Get some exercise and boost your wellbeing Wednesday

Pick up your free T-shirt and other goodies, and don't forget to share your photos on Twitter and Instagram using #UCWalks.

Meet OP’s John Sims and his push for an “equal playing field”

After more than 30 years working in employment law, equal opportunity in the workplace is still what drives John Sims. “I want people to be treated fairly,” Sims said. “If everyone has equal opportunity, and

Want to help make a difference? Consider joining OPSA Steering Committee

“I enjoyed participating in the OP Staff Assembly because it made me feel more connected with the people at the University of California Office of the President. As a member and later as the

FRIDAY: Take the survey and help Franklin go for gold!

Want to be a part of something big, and green, and gold? No, this has nothing to do with the Oakland A’s. It’s about UC’s Franklin headquarters and its all-out effort to go for gold,

Bike to Work Day returns Thursday with free events, giveaways and all the high-fives you want

Recent research at UC Davis found that exercise doesn’t just benefit your body, it also replenishes neurotransmitters in your brain that may promote mental health. May is Bike to Work Month and, in keeping

President Napolitano: My advice to new college grads and young professionals

President Napolitano shared her experience and offered the following advice in a piece that published on LinkedIn on Tuesday, May 8: When I was a freshman at Santa Clara University, I never imagined I would