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Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

UCPath tutorial and reference guides make using new portal easy

The short tutorial includes information about navigating the website and step-by-step instructions for common tasks, such as how to view your vacation balances or update your direct deposit information.

December travel clinic: Entertainment

Entertainment is the focus of this month's Business Resource Center travel clinic on Monday, Dec. 14.

UCDC facility offline on Dec. 15

The entire UCDC facility in Washington, D.C. will be offline for power grid testing.

Thank your colleagues — publicly

Do you have colleagues who step up to get things done? Take a few minutes to thank them on a new website. Submissions received by Friday, Dec. 4 will be featured at the Year-End Staff Appreciation Reception.

Holiday crafts fair 2012

Holiday Crafts Fair comes to Franklin this Friday

UCOP’s Holiday Crafts Fair takes place on Friday, Dec. 4, from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. This year’s fair features jewelry, home accessories, olive oil and more.

UCPath is now live for UCOP

As of Nov. 30, UCPath, the university’s new shared services center that consolidates systemwide payroll, benefits, human resources and academic personnel transactions, is operational for the Office of the President. Here's how to use the new site, conduct the most common transactions and understand your new UCPath paycheck.

AVP of energy and sustainability named

David Phillips has been appointed to the newly created position. He will lead UC’s carbon neutrality strategy and broader energy procurement and sustainability efforts in consultation with the university’s Global Climate Leadership Council, Wholesale Power Board and UC’s Sustainability Community.

Open Enrollment ends today at 5 p.m.

Have you reviewed and updated your medical and other benefits for 2016? Today is your last chance. If you don't take action, your benefits will remain the same for the coming year.

Important reminder about UCOP Time Reporting System deadlines

As previously announced, the Time Reporting System (TRS) is being upgraded as UCOP prepares to transition to UCPath later this month. There are important deadlines this week for biweekly employees and supervisors.

Final Open Enrollment brown bag is tomorrow

Have questions about Open Enrollment? UCOP benefits staff will be on hand to give you answers on Wednesday, Nov. 18, from noon to 1 p.m., in Franklin 12322.