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This month’s travel clinic: Travel and entertainment cards

UCOP travel clinics, designed to demystify UC's travel and entertainment expense policies, continue this month with a session on travel and entertainment (corporate) cards, Nov. 17.

Efficiency Review graphic

Efficiency Review: New working group leads, council of exec assistants, and more

A new Efficiency Review Working Group has been initiated, with Shirley Bittlingmeier and Dan Scannell as co-leads, and group membership will be announced in November.

Counting food donations

UCOP Food Drive will net $24,000 in food for local families

Last week’s UCOP Food Drive collected $4,000 in cash donations, which translate into $24,000 worth of fresh fruits, vegetables and other healthy food items that the food bank can purchase for local families.

Jack o'lantern

Slide show: UCOP’s Franklin building has the Halloween spirit(s)

Halloween doesn’t arrive until this Friday, Oct. 31, but the ghosts and goblins have already come out in UCOP’s Franklin building, where many floors are showing their Halloween spirit(s).

Learn more about undergraduate admissions from UCOP experts

If you or your child are applying for admission to a UC campus in 2015, take advantage of the wealth of helpful information you can learn from our very own UCOP experts in Academic Affairs.

David Rusting, UCOP Chief Information Security Officer

This Wednesday: How to keep your identity and data safe

UCOP Chief Information Security Officer David Rusting will cover the current state of cyber crime and identity theft and how you can reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim.

Fidelity homepage

Today: UC financial education classes can help with your finances

UC’s financial education program offers workshops today, Oct. 28, at both Kaiser and Franklin locations, conducted by Fidelity Retirement Counselor Nancy Pargot.

Berkeley Lab Senior Research Associate Chris Stratton

Nov. 3: Join Berkeley Lab researcher for tips on home energy efficiency

Don’t miss Chris Stratton, senior research associate in Building and Urban Systems at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, who will offer tips on reducing energy consumption in your home.

Take 5 to make the most of your benefits during Open Enrollment

Spend a few moments, and take advantage of UCOP events, to get acquainted with your health benefits during Open Enrollment 2015, from Oct. 30 to Nov. 25.

Pensive woman at library

National Book Month: Patrick Marks visits UCOP this Friday

October is National Book Month, and UCOP’s Education Partnerships invites you to celebrate books with a talk by independent bookseller Patrick Marks, this Friday, Oct. 24.

Maria Echaveste

Women We Admire today: UC Berkeley Law’s Maria Echaveste

Berkeley Law's Maria Echaveste, who has just been nominated to serve as U.S. ambassador to Mexico, will visit UCOP today, the next event in the Women We Admire series.