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image from UC Copyright website

Updated website puts answers to copyright questions at your fingertips

Questions about copyright? The updated UC Copyright website makes it easier than ever for UC faculty, students and staff to get general guidance on academic uses of copyrighted material.

Pres. Napolitano at Oakland Museum lunch

President Napolitano announces UC Oakland Partnership

OP has launched a new outreach project, the UC Oakland Partnership, to strengthen ties between OP and the community and awarding scholarships to Oakland high school students.

10-second bio: Meet Gina Fleming-Magit: She bicycled from sea to shining sea

Gina Fleming-Magit, UCOP's new medical director of UC self-insured health plans, rode her bike across the county on her own as a teenager.

Leadership Development Program class of 2013

Leadership Development Program: Tapping into UCOP’s talent pool

UCOP's Leadership Development Program will offer another nine-month course in leadership skills this year, designed to cultivate skills in UCOP's up-and-coming leaders.

UCPath steering committee appointed to drive local implementation

UCOP leadership has appointed the UCPath Steering Committee to oversee implementation of the project at UC Office of the President by year-end 2014.

UCOP staff with EVP Brostrom

Final Staff Engagement work group presentation at Kaiser Tuesday

The Staff Engagement work groups have published their final recommendations and will present one final brown bag Tuesday, Feb. 25, 12 to 1 p.m. in 512 Kaiser.

New vendor feeding hungry Franklin staff at lunchtime

A new vendor has taken up temporary residence outside the café entrance, selling savory brioches with a variety of fillings at lunchtime daily, except for Thursdays.

Optum wellness specialists

UC Living Well welcomes Optum Wellness Specialists

Jessi Bush (right), one of two new Optum wellness specialists, will be helping Northern California UC employees, including those at UCOP, meet their wellness goals.